Friday, December 25, 2009

Fifteen - Taylor Swift

Tuesday, December 22nd, 2009

"When you're fifteen,
and someone tells you they love you
You're gonna believe them"
Those were lyrics to a song I had recently been listening to many times today. The song was written and sung by country singer/songwriter Taylor Swift. I had heard of this song a few months back but never really listened to the meaning and what it was depicting. But now as I listen to Taylor's song (written in dedication to her best friend, Abigail) I realized that the song really speaks up to people and especially to teenagers at our age going through the same thing.
It makes you realize, that at a young age, and only enterring highschool, there's so much out there that you don't know about. And yes, it is the perfect time to do all that you've never done. Falling in love comes to mind. And it is true. Deep inside, you know that at his age, it's a fresh start, you could very well be regretting it in the future. But it's also that because you're at this age, taking chances is the only way through.
None of the consequences really takes place until it blows in your face and that's when you finally realize the meaning of this song.
The point being that, when you're a teenager, you're blind to many things and will always be, throughout your life. But at the same time, it's a time to take chances, just make sure you're prepared to move on afterwards.
song: "Fifteen- Taylor Swift"


Tuesday, December 1st, 2009

It snowed today. Barely, but still enough to be considered snow. School was normal today. Go to class, see my friends, have lunch, class and home. It is honestly strange for me to have such a constantly unchaged routine. It almost feels as if one day, something is gonna suddenly pop up behind me and ruin my life. But this undisturbed daily stunt had left me yet to wonder if life really should've been as complicated as I had made it last year.

But yet, in a way, nothing has changed. I'm still looking for love, to love and to be loved. Everyday, still working hard for the best that I can achieve while at the same time, having no idea which path I'm interested in for the future. Each day, I had seen couples here and there, emphasizing how alone I am yet at the same time, reminding me of my recklessness only less than a year ago.

To love, to be loved and to learn from love can be in both ways, the easiest and natural action to take but yet the most difficult achievement to accomplish.

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Highschool (Sept09-Nov09) Part 1.

November 26th, 2009

I've been in highschool for nearly 3 months now, each day wawking up early to attend class after class and not to mention the bus rides there and back. Every day is the same routine. Up at 6, on the bus by 6:30, 1 hour and 15 minute bus ride to school (two cities away from home) attending the same four classes and home again.

The reason my school is so far is because of its music program in the northern countryside. Naturally, that area is mostly farmland unlike my homeschool which I could actually see from my bedroom window.

In that area that I'm in now, I often like to refer to it as "40km away from civilization." Which is barely an exaggeration. If I were to go to my homeschool, I could most likely walk home, eat, nap and get back to school in time for my next class. But the closest social community to our school is actually an apple farm and bakery a 10 minute walk away.

On the upside, the school's location develops a very calm and refreshing environment. After a dramtic last year of middle school with the day to day teenage life, bad boyfriends, break-ups, get togethers, having best friends backstab each other, at first I was hesitant before my audition for this school. But then I realized that music is my passion, so I gave it a go.

Now I realize that what made me endure through my audition process was that, yes, it was sacrificing to lose all my friends and all but really, it's a chance to put all the childish middle school drama behind me and though an awesome opportunity, it's also a refreshing start to walk another path. Now I don't regret anything. I have new friends along with my old, while enjoying the peace and priviledges this school had granted me. Truly I am glad this is the path I'd chosen.